Important: New fees for 2024

Over the best part of two decades, we have steered TPSG through changes in location, personnel and strategy.  A lot has changed in that time, not least the look and feel of the industry we are in.  We have always been an attractive provider to clients wishing to explore the full extent of what a Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS) can do.

The market is now divided between those few providers offering the full scope of opportunities that come with a SSAS, and those who have consciously narrowed their range of SSAS services to resemble the now very basic Self-Invested Personal Pension.

Our decision to focus on the differences between us and providers of what might be termed “Standard SSASs” relies entirely on our ability to attract and retain skilled technical specialists.  We cannot run our unique operation with the same structure that would work for providers that are significantly less technically adept.

Most, if not all, of our clients came to us because they required specific structures and transactions.  In the vast majority of cases, the client’s objectives could not have been met by another provider, and this is even more apparent today.

Our fees have consistently been reasonable.  While some may seem substantial for pension-related fees when taken out of context, they are justified within the framework of legitimate tax savings, more effective asset ownership structures, and subsequent retirement benefits.  Each of our fees aligns with the substantial responsibilities that accumulate annually.  It’s evident that the general cost of simply doing business has risen significantly across all industries, inevitably impacting our prices as well.


Myth Buster

Property is best when investing for retirement

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